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Top 5 Kettlebell Bicep Workout
Kettlebell Life

Top 5 Kettlebell Bicep Workout

Irrespective of whether you are a beginner or an experienced person, the kettlebell bicep workout should be accomplished carefully. It shall help you get the desired results instantly. By holding in the right position while swinging the kettlebell inside and outside of your body and bringing it back to the initial position, the movement shall help you build your biceps strong. Make sure that you are not hurt in the joints when performing the exercise. You have to choose the right trainer so you get suitable assistance from him. This way, you can accomplish the workout in a better way for suitable results. 

List of kettlebell bicep workout

  1. Standing kettlebell bicep curl

When opting for kettlebell bicep workout, this can be considered as one of the strongest positions for your biceps. It further helps in maximum overload and heightens the level of biceps growth. Standing bicep curls is useful for building strong biceps. When using the traditional barbells and dumbbells in this position, it is an excellent variation of exercising. In this, the movement helps in contracted position including proper tension in the biceps. Resulting from this, there will be better muscle fibre innervation along. Adding to this, when the bell is hanging from the wrists, it has a pulling sensation on your biceps. By increasing the weight, it may not be possible to enhance the tension at the top.

As a variation, press the kettlebells towards the forearm and start swinging that will have an unpleasant feeling on your biceps. Variations include trying different hand positioning. For curls, you can try to rest the handles in mid-upper palms of your hand instead of lower palms. This way, the kettlebells will remain in place without the possibility of slipping or rotating while exercising.

  1. Incline Kettlebell Curl

This is another type of kettlebell bicep workout position that helps to make your biceps stronger. Also, this position is suitable as bodybuilding stable helping in better stretch and overloading. In addition, it is known to maximize micro-trauma along with muscle damage that results in improved levels of hypertrophy. While engaged in this movement, you will feel little tension above the bottom half of the movement. At the top of the curls, the biceps tend to relax.

The mechanism of this exercise becomes more effective due to the handing weight that results in tension and stimulation in and around the mid-range and bottom position including the top contracted position. However, this workout position is known to have an impact on the major three positions that are vital for muscle growth.

  1. Isolateral kettlebell squat and curl

In this kettlebell bicep workout, isometric squat and curling with the right movements contribute to building up your biceps. For the beginners and the experienced one with kettlebell bicep exercise, this will be an effective one. Make sure that it is done correctly to get the right result. Instead of getting leaned towards the top of the movement, you will stay leaned over. This will make an angled position with the kettlebells hanging. It produces significant tension along with cellular swelling and occlusion.      

Due to the squat position, there is little position to lifting weight. Here, smooth yet forceful contraction shall help to complete the movement. Adding to this, your lower body mobility is improved with the option for a better hip mechanism that fits the kettlebells in between your legs.

Try to do two to three sets with 6 – 10 reps in each of them is enough to power up the biceps and not affecting the lower body part.  

  1. Kneeling Kettlebell Curl, Contracted Position

If you are looking for an effective and growth-promoting exercise of your biceps with the help of kettlebells, this kettlebell bicep workout is the perfect option. Even if it seems to be challenging, it requires following strict steps so that you can accomplish it correctly. With reduced momentum, you can easily stay in position resulting which significant tension is created on biceps.

When performing the exercise by kneeling on a bench, try to curl the kettlebells to the top position near the mid-chest height for better results. From that position, try to lower one arm and then do the curl. The key to this position is to hold on the non-moving arm in the contracted position and alternating from one side to another. While doing this, there is little tension at the top of the curl. Even you can get rest at the isometric phase. Due to the suitable loading of the kettlebell, while you hold in the top position, it results in constant tension. In the kneeling position, you can twist your body relieving adequate tension. By shifting, squirming or the like, you are sure to lose your balance.

  1. Kettlebell One-Arm High Pull

The one-arm high pull is another excellent way for kettlebell bicep workout that is effective enough to get quick results. Here, you have to stand with feet should apart and then grip the kettlebell loosely in your right arm. Make sure that the handle runs parallel to feet pointing your thumb forward. Now, in a standing position, you can drive your hips and legs taking the bell up the midline position. Try to keep the kettlebell close for better control. With a loose grip, you have to bring the kettlebell towards your shoulder and then rotate the arm and try to turn it from inside of your body to outside and again returning to the initial position. Continue with some repeats in this way to have better results.      


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