The kettlebell swinging is a traditional form of exercising with plenty of kettlebell swing benefits. It can be performed with either one hand or both hands when you have to swing the kettlebell between your knees to somewhere near the eye level. The exercise can also be performed with theContinue Reading

The argument of kettlebell vs barbell can go on for years. Both of this plays an important role in improving the core strength of a person. But, some people prefers kettle bell over barbell and as they believe it is safer. And it is true that when kettle bell hasContinue Reading

Irrespective of whether you are a beginner or an experienced person, the kettlebell bicep workout should be accomplished carefully. It shall help you get the desired results instantly. By holding in the right position while swinging the kettlebell inside and outside of your body and bringing it back to theContinue Reading

Several licensed personal trainers say that swinging kettlebells is a good exercise for the posterior chain that includes the shoulders, back, glutes, and legs. They recommend that fellow exercisers hold the kettlebell bottom up for more balanced and stable exercises. Next, we discuss some kettlebell shoulder press exercises. They helpContinue Reading

To lose weight quickly, people often try out options like biking, running, weightlifting, cardio and the like. But often they fail to lose weight as they want to. For this, it is necessary to undergo the right activities and one such is the kettlebell weight loss regime. It shall helpContinue Reading