A plethora of people who emphasize on fat loss thinks of their lifting program as a way to burn more calories. Because of this, they assume that the key is to do high-density figure 8 workout. This holds in most of the cases, but they forget that they are exercising at the expense of growth stimulus placed on the muscles. Here is the list of 7 fat burning figure 8 workout that can be undertaken at home.
- Squats: No doubt, squats are one of the quintessential lower body figure 8 workout. If you are into sports, squats are a must. It is because they mimic the exact patterns of sprinting and jumping. The more you can squat, the more fit your lower body would be. Moreover, if you want to tone up your thighs, then squats are the ideal way forward. However, squats with weights can be more useful in burning fat. Nothing will get you slimmer, stronger and firmer than squats.
- Walking: It is perhaps one of the most natural methods to burn fat. Adding an hour of brisk walking to your routine can do wonders in your weight loss program. It is interesting here to note that walking doesn’t raise cortisol. It lowers cortisol levels in your body as it helps you to unwind and relax. A reasonably rapid walking pace usually uses about 300 to 400 calories in an hour. If you are walking for a week, then your calorie expenditure comes up to around 2500-2800 calories. This helps you to shed 4 to 5 pounds of fat over a period of 12 weeks. If you are someone who is not into hard-core fat loss figure 8 workout, then walking is an ideal option for you.
- Surya Namaskar: Surya Namaskar, also known as one of the basic yoga asanas, focuses on various body parts. Moreover, it also works wonders with your weight loss regime. The term Surya Namaskar translates to sun salutation. It comprises of a series of 12 various poses. However, the three primary poses are the prayer pose, bhujangasana and forward blend. It helps you to strengthen your ligaments and skeleton system. It is also a great way to reduce anxiety and stress, thereby helping you to maintain your mental wellbeing. Interestingly, if you keep breathing in and out during the poses, it aids you to lose more weight.
- Swimming: It is another fat burning exercise that can be undertaken without the help of any specialized equipment. Swimming workouts burn fat and help you get stronger and healthier than ever. One of the most exciting things about swimming is that you can burn up to more than 500-700 calories per hour. Whether you do a breaststroke or butterfly, swimming helps you to engage in major muscle groups. It strengthens your abdomen, back muscles as well as your hips and glutes. Moreover, swimming can be your main form of weight loss exercise. It also complements other, like running and walking. So go ahead, make a splash and tone up your body.
- Zumba: If you hate going to gyms, then Zumba is your ideal weight loss training regime. It is a form of dance and is a feel-good way to improve your fitness levels. Interestingly, it is an effective way with the help of which you can incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Zumba is all about burning calories and loosening up your rigid muscles. It is a great way to sculpt your body with the help of high-intensity movements. Zumba is that kind of a weight loss exercise that helps you to lose tons of calories and makes your body movement gracious. Amidst all those squats, twists and dance routines, you will have fun.
- Strength training: There is a general notion that lifting weights makes your body bulkier. Though this notion is true to some extent, it also helps you to slim down. Moreover, it also acts as a catalyst in your metabolism system. Strength training is based on the fact that the secret to losing weight is to build muscles. This form of exercise usually requires the intervention of a physical trainer. On the other hand, you can also opt for circuit training, which usually tests your ability to move from one exercise to another. Phenomenally, it burns 30% more calories than a typical weight workout. Strength training sculpts your muscles and burns fat. It can burn up to 10 calories per minute.
- High-Intensity Interval Training: Intensity is the key when you are determined to shed weight. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) comprises of short durations of exercise. You will be successful in practising HIIT if you work hard during the intense4 intervals. The results of HIIT are quite astonishing as it speeds up your body’s fat-burning potential. HIIT also supplements your body’s growth hormones. It also mobilizes fat to be used as fuel. It is also termed as a smart strategy to help you lose weight at a rapid pace. A 20-minute workout with HIIT ends up burning more calories throughout the day than any other exercise.
Figure 8 workout are the best way to burn calories and build muscles. Hence, undertaking the, as mentioned above, would do you a world of good in shaping your body and shedding those extra pounds. It is also essential for you to note that you are the only one who can make a difference to yourself. Always stay in a determined frame of mind that you can achieve the desired outcomes of the exercise regime. However, it is also essential for you to undertake hard-core weight-loss programs under the supervision of a physical trainer. So, what are you waiting for? Hit the gym hard and start shedding weight.