Be ready to embrace changes
It is mandatory that you keep in mind that going to the figure 8 exercise or any spiritual or therapeutic retreat will bring about several changes in your daily life. You have to listen to the experts there. If they say that you need to wake up early, then you better be prepared to sacrifice extra hours of sleep. If you do not act as they say, then you will not acquire positive changes. Figure 8 is not only about meditation and freehand exercise. It is also a lifestyle.
Develop a sense of gratefulness
Figure 8 exercises teach you to become humble and appreciative for the luxuries you have. It shows you the path to attain fulfillment and contentment. Once you attain this level, you will no longer feel the urge to chase money and fame blindly. If you want the trip to this therapeutic retreat to be fruitful, then you must shun the craving for more. Maintaining a journal is good. Most figure 8 exercise retreats ask their participants to note down five things for which they feel blessed each day.
Have a positive intention
It is mandatory to have a clear mind so that you can be open to any change. It does not mean that one should book a room at these retreats for some relaxation only. Having a purpose is necessary. You need to have an aim and allow it to drive you towards success.
The figure 8 retreats not only offer you some days in the lap of Mother Nature but help you to untangle the knots in your personal and professional life. Once you achieve a clear vision towards your final goals, you will become a different person altogether. You can take on the world with renewed energy and focus.
Recovery of your body after working out is essential, but it is often overlooked. People are so much in haste to go home or office that the moment they finish their workout, they pack their bags and run out of the door. Thus, the body does not get the time to recover as it needs. The ones who have a proper post-workout routine in place experience fewer amounts of muscle soreness and are ready to hit the gym once again. It is seen that the ones who do not believe in post-workout routines generally drop exercising after a few days.
The best tips that will help you to do figure 8 exercise like a pro
The following five things must be a part of your post-workout routine. If you still have not included any of it in your regime, now is the time to do it.
- Stretch out your body:
Cooling down exercises is essential to bring completion to your workout regimen. Stretching is one of the most significant parts of the cooling down exercises. It helps you to increase the range of motion, reduce soreness, and fasten the recovery process. Hold the stretches for at least fifteen seconds for best results.
- Use a foam roller:
Foam rolling is something that many new fitness enthusiasts are not yet familiar. But once you start making it happen, you will love it for sure. Take a foam roll and roll around it on the floor. It removes any muscle knots that you might have and thereby soothes out the fatigued muscles after a workout.
- Drinking water:
The Rehydration is one of the necessary elements of a post-workout routine. Your body will indeed not recover if you skip on your water intake after exercising. You have sweated out a lot of your body’s water reserve and resources which you need to replenish as soon as you are done working out.
- Have the supplements:
There is a vast array of workout supplements available in the market that caters to your post-workout body. These supplements will let your body start the healing process and will also supply it the necessary nutrition it needs. Your aim of muscle build-up and fitness will be achieved much more comfortable with the intake of the right supplements.
- Work on different muscle groups
One of the best ways to master the figure 8 exercises is to target the various muscle groups from time to time which will eventually help you to work out on each and every muscle. And the tip to follow while doing the figure eight exercises is changing the position of the twist every alternate week.
Apart from all these steps, hot showering is also something that you must keep in mind. Taking a hot shower is essential not just to get rid of the sweat and smell but also to cleanse your body of the bacterial build-up and also relaxes the stressed muscles. The sweat can lead to infection and itching if you do not take a proper shower. There are germs from sweats even on your clothes. So, make sure that you wash them every day.
So, if you are looking forward to an all-in-one exercise, then the figure 8 exercises is the best choice as you won’t get bored with it.