Kettlebell versus barbell which is right for you

Kettlebells and barbells have several uses in strength training and muscle-building workouts. As one steps into a gym, one will see Kettlebell and barbell along with other exercise equipment. They have different designs, merits, and devotees. So, it gives rise to the question; which one is better? Let us compareContinue Reading

What is Figure 8 Workout and How it Works

In world today, there are many people that want to have a well made body. It is also a scientifically accepted fact that besides good diet and lifestyle one also needs workouts. One of the highly recommended plans is the figure 8 workout. It is popular because it works fastContinue Reading

The argument of kettlebell vs barbell can go on for years. Both of this plays an important role in improving the core strength of a person. But, some people prefers kettle bell over barbell and as they believe it is safer. And it is true that when kettle bell hasContinue Reading

To lose weight quickly, people often try out options like biking, running, weightlifting, cardio and the like. But often they fail to lose weight as they want to. For this, it is necessary to undergo the right activities and one such is the kettlebell weight loss regime. It shall helpContinue Reading