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8 Best Kettlebell Bicep Workouts to Transform Your Arm into A Better
Kettlebell Life

8 Best Kettlebell Bicep Workouts to Transform Your Arm into A Better

When it comes to kettlebell exercise, most people use this for compound exercises and complex movement patterns. But do you know that kettlebell training will act as a better workout for the biceps? It will not only help you to get big and strong biceps but also helps in getting an attractive physique. The kettlebell bicep workouts are considered the best for the arms but you can’t do that like a classic bodybuilding exercise. You should not focus on the muscles but rather you should be focused on the movement patterns.

So, here are the 8 best kettlebell bicep workouts that you should try for giving an impressive look to your arm.

8 best kettlebell bicep workouts:

Kettlebell ballistic curl

This ballistic curl from the kettlebell will be dynamic, a little explosive, and also it will carry a large range of motion. The best part about this kettlebell bicep workout is that you can move the biceps in full-range motion.

Incline kettlebell curls

In this incline kettlebell curls; there will be a simultaneous stretch and also result in overload. So, this will result in muscular hypertrophy. This workout is considered the best to build a highly potent mass builder for the biceps.

Upright curl

The kettlebell curls are more similar to the dumbbell curls, but the position of holding the weight will get differ. This type of workout will bring more tension to the lower portion of the biceps and forearms.

Kettlebell pistol hammer curl

Here, the holding of the kettlebell will be completely different and it will be more challenging for your biceps as it has to deal with torque. Your biceps will get some crazy amount of tension during this workout.

Kettlebell preacher curl

In this kettlebell preacher curl, you have to struggle a little to maintain the proper lifting but it will allow the biceps to naturally handle most weighting. So, you can enjoy more tension for your arms.

Kettlebell push press

This kettlebell push press is a technical kind of exercise and here you will be using heavyweights. The push press will bring the most difficult part of the movement and it will give a little boost to the sticking point.

Hang clean

Even though this is not considered a bicep exercise, but still it will work had on your biceps. During this movement, your legs, core, back, arm, and glutes will be working. But this is not for beginners.

Single-arm bicep curl

The single-arm bicep curl will provide tension to your arm in a different way and this workout requires more forearm tension to stabilize the wrist. In this kettlebell bicep workout, the weight will be hung below the wrist so it will cause instability along with more muscle activation.

Bottom Line:

The kettlebell is the best mode of exercise to target your biceps as the design of the kettlebell will offer some unique training to you. The kettlebell bicep workouts will allow overloading the biceps with high tension and contract the muscle in many different ways. This type of exercise will cause metabolic stress which is essential for hypertrophy.

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